In what is believed to be a world first, the judging panels, stewards and organising teams connected through Zoom, Skype, telephone, social media and the AWRI wine show judging software, to make the show run smoothly.
It was a true celebration of the world’s most planted variety, and the Australian regions who champion the variety.
Margaret River Panel Chair, Robert Mann said at the commencement of Day-One that “people drink wine for enjoyment, but people drink cabernet for enlightenment”.
During the 3-days of judging, five live-crosses to the judging venues were shared on Facebook and Instagram, which have been watched by over 8,500 people to-date. The pre-teaser CABERNET LIVE that was broadcast on International Cabernet Day has also had over 14,000 views, showing a huge interest in Cabernet Sauvignon by social media users.
Results to be announced at 6pm AWST (8pm AEST) Thursday 24th September. We'll be live on Langton's Youtube channel and we'll stream to Langton's Facebook page too. Don't miss out, like and subscribe!
To learn more, see www.australiancabernetchallenge.com.au