Module 1: Tuesday 19 October 10am- 12pm AWST
Module 2: Wednesday 20 October 10am- 12pm AWST
You are invited to attend a 2 x 2 hour interactive online session When
to make informed decisions on using e-commerce channels to Module 1
capitalise on the growing demand from Asian consumers. Tuesday
At out workshop you will: 19 October 2021
• Learn how to tap into the world’s largest e-commerce Module 2
market and access Asia’s rapidly expanding middle-class Wednesday
consumer base. 20 October 2021
• Gain a detailed overview of e-commerce platforms and
opportunities for SMEs in a variety of Asian markets, with a Time
key focus on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations 10.00 am – 12.00 pm AWST
(ASEAN), India and China.
• Understand supply chain models required for an e- Where
commerce strategy Webinar
• Consider cultural needs for marketing, social media and
building your brand in an Asian context
Learn more and register here