- Build brand awareness
- Conduct sampling
- Collect sign-ups to database and wine clubs
- Sell wine
The cost is $50+GST for eligible producers who meet this criteria:
- Must have paid Agricultural Produce Commission Fee For Service for Margaret River fruit.
- Must only sell wines labelled Margaret River GI. No other produce/products to be sold.
- Must crush 50 tonnes or less of fruit for own label.
- Stallholder must be the grower, the producer, or employees who are substantially involved in the production process of the wine sold.
- Any persons selling alcohol at the market is required to hold a RSA certificate.
To make a booking contact [email protected] with the date(s) you are interested in and we will confirm the availability.
Download Wine Producer Criteria Guidelines
Victory Point Wine - "What a fabulously organised and welcoming vibe the Margaret River Farmers Market has! Arriving and getting set up was super easy, we had been allocated an incredible corner spot and being able to borrow a marquee from the organisers made it so smooth for us. The other stallholders gave us plenty of tips and help, and the reception from the attendees was engaged and positive. We even sold a bunch of wine! A great way to reach potential customers who are already shopping local. " Sarah Flynn
Small Things Wine - "We were smashed!! Had we been open for another 30min we would've run out of wine!!" Ian Batt
Arlewood - "A great position – north and east facing stall. A wonderful opportunity to re-engage with the Margaret River community, have your brand associated with Margaret River's regional produce and be on the top of passer’s by minds when visiting their next cellar door. Looking forward to showing off our wines at the stall again in late December." Paris Hokin