Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is a co-regulatory organisation that supports the ambition of consumers, industry and government to build a sustainable national packaging ecosystem. APCO supports companies of all sizes on this journey by providing the insights, resources and programs to meet their customers and governments expectations.
Over the coming weeks, APCO with the support of government, will be contacting a number of liable businesses about their sustainable packaging obligations under the National Environmental Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Measure 2011 (UPM NEPM). The UPM NEPM is in place to ensure businesses reduce the environmental impact of their packaging in Australia.
Businesses can access support by joining APCO and becoming a signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant. The Covenant is an agreement based on product stewardship principles by governments and industry participants in the packaging supply chain. It means anyone who designs, produces, sells, or uses packaging, must take responsibility for minimising the environmental impact of it throughout its life cycle.
The APCO Membership provides businesses with the tools, resources and support to track and improve their packaging sustainability. It also empowers businesses to meet the 2025 National Packaging Targets and new sustainable packaging legislation being set by state and federal governments.
To help you meet your sustainable packaging obligations, please find a toolkit with information below: