CEO Amanda Whiteland said, “It is exciting chapter for MRWA to have someone with Greg’s extensive achievements both in Australian and Internationally Chairing the MRWA Board. I am looking forward to working with closely with Greg on our strategic planning to realise our vision that Margaret River is recognised amongst the world’s most compelling fine wine experiences”.
Greg is a Director and founding Chairman of the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM). Melina Morrison, CEO of BCCM, said, “This is the first time such an award has been given to someone in the sector which underpinned the emergence of modern Australia. As a leader and advocate, Greg has ensured that the co-operative and mutual sector has received greater attention, not only in Australia but also internationally. Greg’s tireless work has helped to build a strong co-op sector in Australia and a national representative body that is working to help Australians utilise this powerful and intrinsically aspirational model of enterprise for community empowerment.
Some of Greg’s extensive achievements include:
Establishing the first national forum for the Chairs of Australia’s top co-operative firms
Advocating for the highest governance standards in business
Chairing the United Nations International Year of Co-operatives Secretariat 2012
Presenting at the United Nations in New York for the launch of the International Year of Co-operatives
Founding Australia’s national peak body for the sector, the BCCM
Greg is also recognised internationally for:
• The first Australian to be elected to the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), the peak global body representing co-operatives and mutuals worldwide.
• Greg played a vital role in successfully advocating for a co-operative business leader, Dr. Andrew Crane, on the B20 Group appointed by the Prime Minister to advise the G20 Ministers when it was hosted by Australia in November 2014
• Greg also represented Australia during a trade mission to China in 2015 and signed a Memorandum of Understanding for ‘Coop to Coop’ trade within the Asia Pacific region.
• Greg has presented at numerous conferences, seminars and forums both in Australia and internationally which have raised the profile of the co-operative movement at large.
The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) is the national peak body representing Australian member owned businesses. The BCCM is led by the chief executives of Australia’s co-operative and mutual businesses in all sectors including agriculture, financial services, health insurance, retail, motoring services and human services. The BCCM works to promote the role of member-owned enterprises in the national economy. With over 2000 co-operative and mutual businesses operating nationally representing a total of 29 million memberships, the BCCM highlights the contribution co-operatives and mutuals make to economic and social development in Australia. www.bccm.coop