Thursday 20 February, 10.30am to 11.15am AWST

Do you have a research idea for your business?

CSIRO and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) are helping businesses in WA’s food and beverage sector connect with the state’s top STEM students to undertake business-driven projects through the WA Food Industry Education Collaboration Program (WAFEC).

Through the WAFEC program your business could:

Why join the info session?

Discover how the program works, the benefits of participating, and what it takes to be eligible. Plus, get your questions answered during the live Q&A.

Register here.

Thursday 20 February, 10.30am – 12pm

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is excited to invite you to attend our “Meet the Buyer – Japan/South Korea” webinar for WA Food and Agribusinesses interested in export buyer meeting preparation and tailoring their pitch for the Japan and South Korea markets and FoodEX Japan 2025. Gain valuable market insights to optimise your trade show experience and maximise your impact at FoodEX 2025.

About the Meet the Buyer – Japan/South Korea Webinar:

Presented by Export Connect, this Meet the Buyer Webinar is designed specifically for WA food, beverage and agribusinesses and will cover key topics, including:

Learn more.