Thursday 13 May
Wild rabbits, foxes, feral pigs and other vertebrate pests cost the Australian agricultural industry about $800 million per year and this is climbing. Beyond the economic cost there is also a significant threat to our biosecurity, biodiversity, environment and community wellbeing.
Pest animals are a complex challenge, requiring proactive and strategic action by a wide range of stakeholders to achieve net benefits for the economy, the environment and the community.
To be effective, pest animal prevention and management needs to be a shared responsibility, with all stakeholders adopting a coordinated and collaborative approach. However, contributing factors such as the biology and behaviour of pest animals, the availability of control techniques and the cost:benefit ratio of management actions increases the complexity of pest management.
In the May Talkin’ After Hours, presenter Dr. Peter Adams from DPIRD will drill down and cover the application and key considerations of current best practice control strategies available for a range of vertebrate pest animals in WA. If you want to know more about how to manage feral pests on your property then don’t miss this key webinar.
Find out more and register here.