MPL Advocacy to State and Federal Ministers 

To All WA Wine Producers:

You will be aware that Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is currently considering how to implement a mandatory pregnancy warning label (MPL) for all alcoholic beverages. Wines of WA submitted comment to the discussion paper – see here. While the submission period has now closed, it is important that regions and producers express their concerns with the direction proposed by FSANZ by writing directly to federal and state Ministers and to your respective state and federal member.

A letter template to utilise can be found here – however, feel free to express your concerns in your own words, preferably outlining how the proposed changes would affect your businesses. It is however, important to stress the industry’s commitment to reducing the incidence of all alcohol related harm through targeted messaging that is relevant to the consumer.

Email addresses for relevant state and federal ministers are below.


Western Australia:

If you have any queries contact:
Larry Jorgensen
Chief Executive Officer
Wines of WA E:[email protected] T: 0448 884 161