DFES Online-Bushfire-Fundamentals-Course

Bushfire Fundamentals has been developed to support those who undertake duties in supporting Incident Management Teams at bushfires. It is targeted at personnel working at incidents such as utility companies, St John WA, contractors, WA Police and Department of Defence. The course provides an overview of bushfire characteristics and behavior, bushfire safety and survival, the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS) and the role of WA fire agencies in bushfire response.

DFES Online-Rural-Fire-Awareness-Training

Rural Fire Awareness is targeted at farmer response brigades and seasonal workers to provide students with a basic awareness of fireground safety, suppression strategies and maintaining their safety when operating on a fireground.

South Regional TAFE Margaret River campus offers a range of short courses including forklift operation, barista, first aid, evaluate wines and AusChem.

Find courses here.


If you wish to discuss any skills / training requirements for your business please contact [email protected]

Further information on what skills / training is already available may be found at this here

Date: Friday 22nd November 2024 (with optional Welcome Dinner the evening before.) 
Time: 8:30am – 5pm
Where: Franklin Wharf, Hobart 

This year’s theme: Investing in women for the betterment of the Australian wine industry

While the latest stats show that female participation in the wine industry has improved over the last decade it’s clear that the dial is still moving far too slowly.

We urgently need a deliberate investment in women at all levels. Change doesn’t happen without investment. But what should this look like? And what can we do for ourselves as well as for our teams and businesses? On November 22, notable experts from both within and outside of the industry will take the stage to share their insights and experiences about what investing in women really means and what it looks like on a practical level for the Australian wine industry. There will also be valuable knowledge shared to equip attendees to navigate their career and improve their businesses.

And of course, we’ve built in loads of networking opportunities too! Strengthening our relationships within and across the regions is to the betterment of us all. Don’t miss one of the most important days on the Australian wine calendar! This event sold out in record time last year so don’t wait too long to snap up your tickets.

Cost: $395.00 (+ Booking Fee)

Your ticket includes: 

  • All speaker sessions, panels and workshops 
  • Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
  • The opportunity to meet and engage with women in wine from all over Australia

Register here.

Tuesday 30 July, 8.45am to 12pm

The latest research on identifying wine grape clones and understanding associations across varietal groups will be presented along with a wine tasting demonstrating differences across 2 vintages of Cabernet Sauvignon clones sourced from a trial site in Margaret River. Learn more.

Margaret River wineries have curated a great line up of special events for you to enjoy!

Remember to DrinkWise

We recommend that visitors to the region don’t drink wine on an empty stomach, drink plenty of water, use spittoons and if planning to drive, choose a designated driver or take a guided wine tour. Bear in mind that tasting pours are generally 15 millilitres so 6 pours equal one standard drink.

A Margaret River Wine stall is available each week for up to two MRWA Wine Producer members to:

The cost is $50+GST for eligible producers who meet this criteria:

To make a booking contact [email protected] with the date(s) you are interested in and we will confirm the availability.

Download Producer Criteria Guidelines


Victory Point Wine – “What a fabulously organised and welcoming vibe the Margaret River Farmers Market has! Arriving and getting set up was super easy, we had been allocated an incredible corner spot and being able to borrow a marquee from the organisers made it so smooth for us. The other stallholders gave us plenty of tips and help, and the reception from the attendees was engaged and positive. We even sold a bunch of wine! A great way to reach potential customers who are already shopping local. ”  Sarah Flynn

Small Things Wine – “We were smashed!! Had we been open for another 30min we would’ve run out of wine!!” Ian Batt

Arlewood – “A great position – north and east facing stall. A wonderful opportunity to re-engage with the Margaret River community, have your brand associated with Margaret River’s regional produce and be on the top of passer’s by minds when visiting their next cellar door. Looking forward to showing off our wines at the stall again in late December.” Paris Hokin

Tuesday 30 July, 1pm to 1.45pm

Join AWRI research manager of molecular biology Dr Anthony Borneman to hear the findings of a recently completed national project examining the composition and attributes of wild fermentations and learn how this can be applied by winemakers to ensure successful fermentations. Learn more.


Date: Wednesday 31 July 2024
Time: 10:00 am to 1.00 pm
Venue: Margaret River HEART

An exclusive workshop tailored for those navigating the liquor industry, whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned player. Discover the local, regional, and national idiosyncrasies that suppliers must navigate to avoid wasting time and capital.

Led by industry expert Mr. Chris Baddock, with over 22 years of experience in suppliers, retailers, and wholesaler businesses, this workshop offers a unique perspective on the Australian liquor industry. Gain insights on entering the market and maintaining sustainable sales throughout the product lifecycle, from supplier brands to private label production. Chris, former CEO of Australian Liquor Marketers, brings his extensive sales, manufacturing, wholesale, and retail experience to the table, having worked across all drinks categories with industry giants like Lion & Woolworths.

This workshop is open to Liquor Manufacturers only (beer, wine, spirits and cider). The event is not open to consultants/marketing companies, wholesalers or distributors.

To ensure an interactive experience, this session is limited to a maximum of two people per business. Tickets are priced at $30 per person plus GST and booking fees.

Register Here

Friday 2 August, Adelaide
Live stream 8.30am – 1.30pm AWST

Revise. Reset. Rebound.

Join Australian Grape & Wine and Wine Australia for the launch of the One Grape & Wine Sector Plan.

Following the launch, Wine Australia will give an update of the current state of play for the Australian wine sector, and Exporter Update, and the initiatives under market development, regulation and research and innovation for 2024-25.

Find out more and register

Wednesday 7 August – Karri Valley Resort, Pemberton

Support the future of sparkling wine

A a full day event featuring interstate and local experts presenting in-person and virtually. Content will include technical elements of premium sparkling production (méthode champenoise and non-traditional methods) across the areas of viticulture & winemaking and feature market insights into the category.

Continue on into the night with a fabulous dinner over looking the lake by Karri Valley Resort and enjoy great conversations with industry leaders and stakeholders. 

A charter bus service will be available for delegates travelling from Margaret River. Those wishing to book accommodation will be provided with a discount code.

Learn more and register.

Date: Monday 12 & Wednesday 14 August 2024
Time: 11:30pm – 3:30pm AWST

All vineyards, wineries and wine businesses seeking sustainability certification require an independent audit against the Australian Wine Industry Standards of Sustainable Practice – Viticulture (AWISSP-VIT1) and/or Australian Wine Industry Standards of Sustainable Practice – Winery (AWISSP-WIN1).

Please note: This is a virtual event, Zoom links will be provided.

You are required to attend BOTH days.

Register here.


Tuesday 3 & Wednesday 4 September, Orange & Online

Viticulturist and growers are increasingly grappling with the challenges posed by extreme weather events. Whether it’s frost, hail, or the unpredictability of extreme wet or dry seasons, nature throws it all at you. Register now to hear experts and case studies from successful practitioners to help you understand and apply resilient viticulture practices. Connect with fellow viticulturists and industry professionals to discuss and share proven strategies to protect your vineyards and minimize damage.

Learn more and register here.

Tourism Workshops 10 & 11 September

Tourism Council WA is delivering the latest information, research, and trends relevant to your business in its upcoming tourism workshops.

Registrations now open! For more information, or to register, click on the links above or visit www.tourismcouncilwa.com.au. Please note, spaces are limited. Tourism Council WA members receive a 50 per cent discount on training workshops.

Monday 18 November 2024

Plan(t)ing your future: Who will be the next consumer of Australian wine and how do we attract them?

The Australian wine sector has been suffering enormous pain (or at least the bulk of the industry has been). There are critical issues that must be resolved in the short term. But we also need to look to the medium and long terms where there are existential threats to Australian winemakers and grape growers.

The current generation of wine drinkers is dying or drinking less. Future generations are not drinking as much wine as their parents did.

It is, therefore, essential to address the question of “who will be the next consumer of Australian wine and how do we go about attracting them?”

Each year, Finlaysons and their friends visit 10 or so leading viticultural regions of Australia to impart their legal and commercial wine industry knowledge to winemakers and grape growers. This year, Finlaysons will be accompanied by Australian Grape & Wine, Wine Australia and Wine Business Solutions. They will endeavour to give their guests some deep insights into these vital questions.

Attend Finlaysons’ Wine Roadshow 32 so that you can plan(t) your future.

  • General admission $149 per head (plus GST)
  • Approved Association* member $99 per head (plus GST)
  • Each additional family member attending as part of a family group receives a further $20 discount 

*Approved Associations:  Australian Grape & Wine, Wine Communicators of Australia, WISA, SAWIA, Wine Victoria, Wines of WA, Wine Tasmania and NSW Wine – plus Wine Australia levy payers

The seminar will run across 3 hours with afternoon tea, followed by drinks and canapes for a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones. 

Find out more here and book.

Find WA Wines to the World upcoming information sessions and past presentation’s and recordings here.

A healthy soil is vital to ensure both high yields and future high yields, as well as environmental protection – there are no negative consequences on the ecosystem from having a healthy soil! But what IS a healthy soil?

Soil health can be defined as a soil’s ability to function and sustain plants, animals and humans as part of the ecosystem. This definition speaks to the importance of managing soils so they are sustainable for future generations. To do this, we need to remember that soil contains living organisms that, when provided the basic necessities of life – food, shelter, and water, – perform functions required to produce food and fibre.

This workshop aims to give participants an introduction to management practices and tools that work to repair and regenerate our soil ecosystems and build resilience from the ground up.

Session 1: Management practices to improve soil health & microbial diversity
Richard Leask, South Australian Viticulturalist & 2019 Nuffield Scholar

View live recording here.
Download PDF of presentation here.

Session 2: The soil health tool kit
Emeritus Professor Lynn Abbott
Download presentation here.

Find out more about the program and speakers here.

This event has been made possible through a collaboration between Lower Blackwood Catchment Land Conservation District Committee and the Margaret River Wine Association and is supported by Leaskagri, Wine Australia, Soil Dynamics and Grow Safe.

Interactive Insights – book now for specialised training

Wine Australia has recently launched its new Interactive Insights portal and we’re offering tailored training on how to access targeted information for your state or region.

If you’re yet to do so, we’d encourage you to register for training here.

The adoption of organic and sustainable viticultural and winemaking practices is increasing around the world in response to climate change and economic, health and other social concerns of land managers and wine consumers. Organic and sustainable production systems have many similarities, with both aiming to protect and enhance the natural environment and ecological diversity. The two systems have different approaches to achieving those aims. In this webinar, Liz Pitcher will address some of the more common questions about these two production systems.

View webinar here.

The conference will hear from grape and wine producers and leading researchers who will present the latest findings on bushfire preparedness, smoke effects and recovery from fire to ensure that grapegrowers, winemakers and businesses are better prepared, better informed and better equipped to handle the decisions that need to be made before, during and after bushfires.

Listen here.

Employers of vintage and pruning workers are invited to join Rural Enterprises, the Harvest Trail Services (HTS) Provider for the South West, to an online Information Session on:

Find Zoom recording here, the link also includes the PowerPoint Presentation and the Harvest Trail Services brochure.

Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code Online Training

This course includes a series of short videos, interspersed with questions, designed to educate and consolidate an alcohol marketer’s understanding of the ABAC system and the high standards for marketing and packaging alcohol in Australia.

Allow about 1 1/4 hours to complete the course.

Complete training here.

The Chardonnay clone Gingin was imported into Western Australia in 1957 and has become one of Australia’s oldest recognised Chardonnay clones. While its phenotypic similarity to other Chardonnay clones has been noted, its exact origins remained a mystery. The AWRI has established a robust methodology for Chardonnay clonal identification that harnesses the detailed information provided by whole-genome DNA sequencing. This genomic technology was applied to unravel the history of this important grapevine clone by sequencing samples of Gingin and other clones suspected to be related to Gingin, including Mendoza and OF Chard. The findings shed light on the origins of these Chardonnay clones, while demonstrating the utility of the clonal genetic identification technology.

Watch recording.

Eligible wine businesses can create a listing on the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) at no cost to increase their online exposure. To take advantage of this opportunity, wineries can view the online training videos and see the new wine-related features, developed with funding from the Australian Government’s $50 million Export and Regional Wine Support Package.

Tourism Australia, Ultimate Winery Experiences and Wine Australia jointly present domestic marketing insights for wine and tourism businesses. Tourism Australia’s Robin Mack will discuss the renewed focus, strategy and support in the domestic market. Robin will also be sharing valuable consumer insights from their Consumer Demand Project and detail the tourism distribution ‘journey’.

Watch recording

Sustainable Winegrowing Australia is Australia’s national program for grapegrowers and winemakers to demonstrate and continuously improve their sustainability in the vineyard and winery through the environmental, social and economic aspects of their businesses. This webinar will provide an overview of the program including membership requirements, certification and use of the new Sustainable Winegrowing Australia trust mark.

Watch webinar recording

Join Wine Australia CEO Andreas Clark who will introduce the newly released Wine Australia Strategic Plan 2020–25. This Plan provides a pathway to support profitable, resilient and sustainable winegrape and wine businesses and addresses key issues including growing value, export, wine tourism, innovation, climate change, sustainability and biosecurity. In addition, Andreas will introduce the Annual Operational Plan outlining Wine Australia’s plans for the next 12 months. Also hear from Stu Barclay – Wine Australia’s GM Marketing, Dr Liz Waters – Wine Australia’s GM Research, Development and Adoption and Rachel Triggs – Wine Australia’s General Counsel and GM – Market Access in this webinar which is not to be missed!

Watch recording

9 July 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm

Australia’s climate is variable, and it is changing. Grapegrowers and winemakers in Australia are already adjusting practices in their vineyards and wineries to keep pace. However, to date, many of these changes have been reactive; driven by the changes that are experienced season-to-season.

The new, world-leading resource Australia’s Wine Future: A Climate Atlas will help improve our climate adaptation response, as it provides a range of detailed insights about how the climate is projected to change within each of Australia’s wine regions until 2100.

Presented by Dr Rebecca Harris and Dr Tom Remenyi of the Climate Futures team at the University of Tasmania, this webinar will explore The Climate Atlas and what it shows for Australian wine regions in the Regional Program clusters.

The Climate Atlas combines a series of climate change models to clearly show projected trends in temperature, rainfall, aridity and in their distribution patterns in regions of Australia where grapes are grown.

It will help to explore the regionally specific climate challenges that we will need to manage and includes an indication of which regions around the country are similar now to through to the predicted conditions in 2100, allowing growers and wineries to look to their peers and viticultural experts around the country on how to adapt for the future.

Click here to watch a special report on Landline about The Climate Atlas or here to download the Climate Atlas.

Watch webinar recording here