Friday 21 February, 5.30pm – 7.30pm

Come along to a handbuilding with clay evening with Ella Rae Studio and Amato Vino wines.

$140 per person
Includes tools, materials, the complete firing and glazing of two pieces (mug and pinch pot) and a delish wine paddle (3 x50ml) by @amatovino.

Amato Vino Cellar Door, 3 Redgate Road Witchcliffe

To book please email names and which date you would like to attend to [email protected]

Future dates: 21/3/2025, 16/05/2025

Friday 21 February, 6pm – 8pm

Grape & Grain will be pouring wine from Driftwood Estate. With premium quality fruit, the winemaking philosophy is all about protecting and expressing the qualities found in the grapes, so that the wine lover can enjoy the pure varietal and regional flavours.

Whether you’re a wine enthusiast or just love a good sip, this is an evening you won’t want to miss. Join us at The Market Bar for great wine, and the perfect start to your weekend!

Learn more.