Notice is hereby given than an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Margaret River Wine Association (MRWA) will be held on:
Date: Wednesday 16th October 2019
Time: 3.45pm for 4pm start
Place: Cape Lodge Restaurant
3341 Caves Road, Yallingup
Click here for the 2019 AGM Agenda.
Please RSVP to register attendance to the AGM by 10th October 2019 for catering and set-up purposes.
Call for Board Nominations
(a) Four (4) positions will be vacant at the 2019 AGM and we hereby invite nominations from Voting Members interested in joining the MRWA Board.
Three (3) vacancies will be created due to the expiry of the term of current serving members Liz Mencel (Flametree Wines), Steve James (Voyager Estate) and Leah Clearwater (Happs Wines), will be offering themselves for re-election.
One (1) vacancy will be created by the resignation of Cameron Murphy (Cape Mentelle).
Two (2) positions are for a two-year term and two (2) positions are for a one-year term.
(b) Nominations must be made using the Nomination Form and must be received by 5pm, Tuesday 1 October 2019.
If the number of nominations received is greater than the number of vacancies, a ballot will be conducted with the result declared at the AGM. The Election will be a simple majority. That is, the candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be duly elected as Board Members at the MRWA AGM for a period of 2-years and 1-year respectively.
For a copy of the MRWA Board Member Position Description or more information, please contact the MRWA CEO here.
We look forward to receiving nominations and working with the successful candidates.